Wednesday, September 7, 2016

AKADAMA for Bonsai plants

Importance of  mineral components in Bonsai soils

1.    Good drainage.
2.    Oxygen-rich structure
3.    To add 'body' and stability.
 With the exception of grit, all the common mineral components of bonsai soils absorb and retain moisture, drain well and have some degree of cec. 

Akadama is entirely unique and can't be fairly compared to any other mineral,
Akadama is sold in India by POWERCLAY 

Akadama is a naturally occurring clay-like (but not clay) mineral found only in one region in Japan.
It is surface mined, dried, graded and packaged.
No baking or firing is involved. When wetted, it does not form a slurry like clay but forms a gritty paste.

Akadama is without any doubt the absolute best growing medium for Japanese maples and many other broadleaved species, and is arguably one of the best ingredients to incorporate in smaller proportions for moist other species.

The big advantage of Akadama is that roots can grow through the parcels as well as between them, which vastly increases the amount of space in the pot that is available to the roots.  Once roots penetrate Akadama particles they become fine and highly ramified, forming a dense pad of functioning feeding tips. When you foist use Akadama the result is really quite astonishing compared to most other media.  Although Akadama has a relatively low cec (around 18-20 meq/100g) the fact that the roots are so prolifically generated means that this is not a defect.

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