Friday, October 14, 2016

Growing media- for Healthy Plant Growth

 Growing Media

The medium by which plants grow is called the “growing medium”.  Hundreds of various ingredients are used in varying combinations to create homemade or commercial growing media.  Evaluating  the functions of growing media, we can conclude the qualities of individual types and select which ones might work best for respective plant . 
The choice is very important because your plants are dependent on a relatively small volume of growing medium.   their sovereigns  growing in garden soil, containerized plant roots cannot grow around obstacles or mine the soil far and wide for nutrients and water.
  • Growing medium has three main functions- 1) supply roots with nutrients, air, and water, 2) allow for maximum root growth, and 3) physically support the plant.
  • Roots grow in the spaces between individual particles of soil.  Air and water also travel through these pore spaces.  Water is the medium that carries nutrients that plants need to fuel their growth, and air is needed for root growth and the health of soil microorganisms that help supply plants with nutrients.
  • Irrigation water moves through the pore spaces, pushing out the air.  If excess water cannot drain away, fresh air cannot enter and roots will suffocate. 
  • Select light and fluffy growing media for good aeration and root growth.
Qualities of Different Types of Growing Media
  • Garden Soil— never use this by itself for container gardens. Soils hold water and nutrients very well and can drown roots growing in a container.  Diseases and weed seeds can also be a problem.  And soil is heavy which is an advantage if you are trying to anchor top-heavy plants and pots, but a disadvantage if you want to move pots.
  • Commercial Soil-Less Mixes— these are an excellent choice for containers.  They are lightweight, drain well, hold water and nutrients, and are generally free of weeds, insects, and diseases. They have a pH of about 6.2 and are typically comprised of sphagnum peat moss, perlite, vermiculite and small amounts of lime and fertilizer.  
  • Other Types of Commercial Mixes— are advertised as “top soil”, “planting soil”, “planting mix”, or “potting soil”.  They vary a great deal in composition and quality. Avoid mixes that contain sedge peat, feel heavy or course, have very fine particles, or appear clumped.
  • Sharp Sand— use only coarse builder sand/purosil, not play sand.  Purosil  increases porosity because of the large particles.  It is relatively inexpensive and heavy.
  • Bark Fines and Wood Mulch— these are high in carbon and low in nutrients and not recommended for container vegetables.

List Of Growing Media supplied by POWERCLAY
1.     Litagg / AgriLeca –Expanded clay aggregates / Pellets
2.     Hydrotone- light clay balls
3.     Pumice stone –porrous rock
4.     Perlite – Expanded Perlite
5.     Porroc – Porrous clay beads
6.     Vermiculite –expanded vermiculite
7.     Purosil – Light Clay Flakes 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

AKADAMA for Bonsai plants

Importance of  mineral components in Bonsai soils

1.    Good drainage.
2.    Oxygen-rich structure
3.    To add 'body' and stability.
 With the exception of grit, all the common mineral components of bonsai soils absorb and retain moisture, drain well and have some degree of cec. 

Akadama is entirely unique and can't be fairly compared to any other mineral,
Akadama is sold in India by POWERCLAY 

Akadama is a naturally occurring clay-like (but not clay) mineral found only in one region in Japan.
It is surface mined, dried, graded and packaged.
No baking or firing is involved. When wetted, it does not form a slurry like clay but forms a gritty paste.

Akadama is without any doubt the absolute best growing medium for Japanese maples and many other broadleaved species, and is arguably one of the best ingredients to incorporate in smaller proportions for moist other species.

The big advantage of Akadama is that roots can grow through the parcels as well as between them, which vastly increases the amount of space in the pot that is available to the roots.  Once roots penetrate Akadama particles they become fine and highly ramified, forming a dense pad of functioning feeding tips. When you foist use Akadama the result is really quite astonishing compared to most other media.  Although Akadama has a relatively low cec (around 18-20 meq/100g) the fact that the roots are so prolifically generated means that this is not a defect.

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Monday, March 14, 2016

hydroton /leca expanded clay pebbles for garden/horticulture

hydroton clay pebbles 

hydroton leca clay pellets 
 Hydrotone Leca -expanded clay pebbles / pellets  /aggregates

Hydrotone - expanded clay  is a light weight , porous aggregate  made from finest Belgium Clay
 Hydrotone has uses in horticulture and landscapes, it is used as a growing medium in hydroponics systems, can be mixed with other growing mediums such as soil and cocopeat to improve drainage, retain water during periods of drought, protect  roots during summer and provide roots with increased oxygen levels promoting very vigorous growth.
Hydrotone can be mixed with heavy soil in order to reduce the weight of plants and landscapes soils.
 Hydrophonic/Hydroculture media - The capillarity and the structure of the clay pebbles ensures good root aeration and prevents rotting, excess acidity and soil pests , and completely reusable
Hydrotone for potting plants . terraces gardens , balconies , hotels , landscapes ,home , factory, garden lawn , horticulture uses etc.,
Hydrotone  : How to USE
1.        Decoration top layer of potting plant : This saves you too frequent watering , the color of the pebbles improves aesthetics in living spaces ,Hydrotone is often used as a decorative top-layer for indoor plants and outdoor gardens. As a top layer, it will also prevent the top soil from drying out quickly.mix with soil /potting medium  , Tips  : Remove some soil from the plant containers and apply @ 3-5 cm clay on the top
2.        Hydrotone -Mixed with Soil / Potting Medium : Hydrotone aerates the soil . helps to keep moisture and accelerates the growth of the roots and thanks for porosity , the soil structure is lighter and more stable , water circulates better after heavy rains / excessive watering and do not stocks  ,
         Tips : mix soil with 8:2 ratio
3.        Hydrotone for drainage and water reservoir : The surplus of moisture is then retains and given back to the plants when need the plant roots are not directly in contacts with water protecting them from decay / rots , Tips : 2-3cm in bottom

4.        Hydrotone  Hydroponics /natural : Due to water storage capacity , its natural ph and its light weight clay is ideal substrate for all kinds of plants systems , the pebbles have large pores offers a balanced water capillary action  , Tips : Fill clay into pot upto half , hold the plant so that the roots are inside the pot fill with pebbles to the top 

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